Lines Written After Spending a Night at Home
Upon my sleepy eye did break the morn;
The Sun with golden mantle touched the field,
And gave the grounds I knew a lively hue.
This was joyous light for a new day born
Under such triumphant skies! I beheld,
Treading the vast, a pink cloud alone in blue.
Who left this curled rose for early witness,
Teasing the cool heart into loveliness?
O Nature, I leave thee for a moment
And thy sapphire canvas, without a sound
Is splashed with unforeseen brush strokes, shifting
In and out shapes to outpace true comment.
There be to your immortal art no bound
For invention, nor gimmicks, nor thrifting;
Just the sign of a lofty value for the soul
To strive for, enriching to make it whole!